I am sending the VIRTUAL WORD  out to the ACTUAL WORLD  : I have an ORGANIC  Dream . I am looking for fertile land   to  sow my seeds on and may be more… A rustic old fashioned barn and a  house with much repair work, or a small agricultural land with a  log cabin – secluded in a natural wooded area with
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Here in south Florida , the climate of excessive heat/humidity and precipitation acts as a catalyst for growing spices and heat loving herbs. Since ancient times , man and women used herbs  for their effective properties in culinary and medicinal recipes. Herbs are potent and contain mega doses of vitamins and minerals when compared with
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Here is a new bail out to save a struggling chicken industry. $40 MILLION  to be spent by the USDA in the times of DEBT DEFAULT  and the downgrading of the economy.LEARN More : http://business.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474979951317 LAKE WORTH:A S.Florida small town is leading the nation on SUSTAINABLE living by embracing CHANGE and BOLD GREEN ideas like
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Have you noticed that your pine trees etc..dying and wondered why? Wonder no more: http://www.lieffcabraser.com/environmental/case/484/dupont-imprelis-lawn-chemicalherbicide-and-tree-death-investigation?gclid=CM3DmfSWyqoCFQpY7Aodvnw http://www.naturalnews.com/033205_herbicides_trees.html Have you noticed why the bees vanished from  your garden ? Wonder no more: http://www.wbjournal.com/article.php?RF_ITEM[]=Article$0@49349;Article There are now alternatives to combatting the pests other than synthetic chemical pecticides that do more harm than help! I personally have experimented with
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