Life is a MIRACLE.Nourishing and nurturing human life with food grown at home with love , makes it bountiful, healthful, and more meaningful.Enter the Organic Productive Container Garden of “Eating” Healthy and Locally!!!

What would it be like to attend one of my “Theory and Hands On” Productive Organic Gardening classes ?

I leave the answer to one of my exceptionally talented observer and garden enthusiast”student :Michele aka ” MITCHY” “..Read what she had to say in words and pictures..Very impressive and expressive…

I quote an excerpt from her article published at her website :

I Quote an excerpt Michele’s article :

“Changing your Brown Thumb to a Green Thumb.I needed to learn how to garden!! The Brooklyn in me kills almost everything I try to grow! I didn’t know where to start and did not know how to go about it. Yes — there are a ton of Youtube videos, but I wanted a hands-on experience. Enter You tube: Tony Dagher – Urban gardener!

I subscribe to a website called Local

For about a year now, I’ve been getting weekly emails from then announcing the local gardening classes in my area. I noticed Tony’s classes back then, but have not had the opportunity to sign up until now. I made it a family effort and brought both my daughters and one friend. We spent the day outdoors, in the sun . . . one with nature!!! Here’s a quick synopsis of our day with Tony! Tony’s also listed in Natural Awakenings. Unquote.

Read more about what Michelle observed through the eye of her lens camera impressions,and the invisible INTUITIVE third eye expressions .Simply , simply click on the below web link to read and see more:
Rejuvenation And Wellness – RAW Container Gardening

I am not a believer of self attestation or praise .Bragging makes one look fake!..Quite the opposite: I believe in feed backs and interactive discourse as delivered by independent third party observers , in this case , the students who come to attend my gardening classes.

Read more reviews as posted by students who attend my gardening classes ,at my
Listening to what my students have to say is an integral part is part of my teachings..I learn as well as I teach…Communication is a two way path.

Thank you Michele for your feedback.Quite a learning experience to me.

Why the “Hands On “Productive Container Gardening Classes?

By doing interactive gardening classes right at the “Source”..We all connect with Mother Earth and Father Sky! The OUTDOOR LOCATION , at the garden: The gardener, the enthusiast garden student come all together in unison to INTERACT at the source to learn by INTUITION starting from within by smelling the aromas of the garden plants and touching them and immersing the hands into the the living soil…The living soil awakens the AWARENESS within..therefore a FREE flow of information starts eminating from within our cells within us, therefore the coined word INTUITION or FREE learning in CONTRAST to TUITION or learning as you pay by credit hours!!!

The most valuable things in LIFE are FREE: Spring Water,Home grown food,Backyard fresh AIR,and Natural Awakening Words of Wisdom published and Available for FREE !

where The Garden poses as :The ESSENCE.THE TEACHER! While we all are the students !
At the garden :We all learn from each others as we connect and awaken our intuitive innate faculties,to be partners with the living soil and plants, working together to produce our food.In the beginning The Garden was the place we called home and learned how to grow our own food.

We have forgotten to be PRODUCERS in the AGE of CONSUMERISM and MANUFACTURED PACKAGED FOOD AT LABORATORIES rather than farms or gardens!. At the Productive Garden:We THE LIVING learn how to COEXIST with Mother Earth and produce our own LIVING FOOD!Minus

Growing our own food starts with a class then with baby gardening steps .It starts a CONTAINER, even if we are living in an apartment or a studio or efficiency lacking a backyard or a land to grow our food .Even if we are financially struggling amidst an economic down turn storm churning away our jobs,savings,homes and gardens! Container gardening is the best place to start because it is the easiest and simplest way to learn the gardening process especially in South Florida the land of Tropical Storms and Hurricanes!

Container gardening could be traced back to the ancient Agri-Cultures of the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Somerians of Mesopotemia and the Ancient Incas and Aztecs of North ,South and Centro America…

Back into our present ..We have evolved to live in cities and eat canned and packaged food produced from Genetically Modified Organisms and adulterated with chemical pesticides and fertilizers.We have evolved to live in skyscrapers and travel by supersonic planes and communicate via cyberspace and internet gadgets etc..We have become a developed nation that is so advanced and OVERFED with FAST GMO FOOD and INFORMATION , but so health ignorant and crippled with DISEASES and MALNUTRITION!

“What do we gain if we win the world but lose ourselves ..?”I qoute from the scriptures.

Back to basics..we are now learning the lost and found ART of Urban Farming/Gardening :One garden,one student,and one containerat a time!!!

Happy gardening!

Tony Dagher BA CFMG CFMT